
Hello and welcome to my personnal website.

I am the head of exploration geophysics at Enerex. I joined the company in 2021 after 10 years in academia. I am specialized in subsurface imaging and interpretation for various applications such as archaeology, environmental studies, geology or resources exploration.

In R&D I work on methodological and theoretical development in magnetism, and on quantitative or semi-quantitative methods of interpretation

On this website you can find my scientific publications that I organised in different categories:

  1. Peer-review articles
  2. Non peer-review publications (articles, monographs, book chapters)
  3. Direction of publication
  4. Reports of scientific operations and datasets

When available, I provide a direct link to a pdf (final version or postprint) and a link to the deposit on the open archive HAL.

You can also find my communications (text and videos) to the general public here

To contact me directly, it is here

And you can also find me on the following platforms: